
Ideal Batting Stance:-
  • The batsmen’s feet should be parallel and around shoulder width apart.
  • Batsmen’s knees should be flexed
  • Body weight should be on balls of feet.
  • Eyes should be level and head should remain still .
Check List:-
  • Batsmen’s feet should not be Too open/closed( always parallel ) , this way his body will response well to both off side and leg side deliveries
  • Batsmen’s feet should also remain shoulder width apart not Too wide/narrow, so that he gets maximum mobility and balance while playing
  • Weight not evenly distributed can result in loosing balance while playing
  • If Head is not Still & moving it will make difficult to watch ball and play desired shot
  • If eyes are not level it will hamper batmen’s view resulting in bad judgement
  • If batsmen’s head is falling over on off side ,it will make him loose balance and make him play on leg side